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[CSAW CTF 2013] keygenme (Re400) 0

[CSAW CTF 2013] keygenme (Re400)

keygenme – 400 Points Solved by 100 teams. nc 14549 keygenme32.elf File dự phòng: https://db.tt/LATd1AuP Nội dung chính Đây là note thì đúng hơn là một writeup Ở bài này chúng ta được...

[WarGame] php? c? 0

[WarGame] php? c?

http://wargame.kr:8080/prob/7/ :p Xem source, được gợi ý về file index.phps, mở nó ra coi: [php][/php] Mở tiếp file p7.c (http://wargame.kr:8080/prob/7/p7.c): [c]#include #include void nono(); int main(int argc,char **argv){ int i; if(argc!=2){nono();} i=atoi(argv[1]); if(i4){nono();} if(i

[CodeEngn] Basic RCE – Level 20 0

[CodeEngn] Basic RCE – Level 20

http://codeengn.com/challenges/basic/20 This program needs a key file. What does the data in the file crackme3.key have to be to make it print the above message. Ex) 41424344454647 (This problem has multiple answers, so post...